Today’s Inspiration: Jesus said, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 14:23 NIV. The Word of God is the presence of God in every Christian family. Our triune God is not a single entity but a family. When there is an absence of God’s Word and ways at home, the enemy will come to steal kill and destroy through distractions, disputes and divisions. John 10:10. A family that prays together stays together. My mum was the first person to be saved by Jesus more than two decades and she began her journey with Christ in prayer and boldly sharing the gospel with us and God, Christ, and Holy Spirit came to our home. Today me and my whole family serves the Lord. Acts 16:31.

No family is perfect and we face difficult, complex and challenging crisis times with different personalities. Faith is not about what we can do but what God can do to reveal Christ in our families. We are not perfect but Jesus is and He is the author and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:2. The most powerful evangelism is family evangelism in the end of times. Just like Peter to Cornelius house and Paul to the Jailer’s house. Sometimes, one maybe discourage seeing negative responses but know that God is faithful and He hears our prayers and will guide our actions with Christ likeness and timely Holy Spirit wisdom. Don’t give up yet because Christ didn’t give up on us and He didn’t suffer at Calvary in vain. Our family will be saved, not unto us but unto God who will pour out His Spirit over our sons and daughter, parents and spouse. Glory to God!
Prayer: O Lord my God, you are the grand weaver of the salvation of my family. Let my life be your salt and light to my love ones and those who doesn’t know you. I believe there is going to be a great harvest and I am destined to be a harvester as the Lord’s worker who is called, chosen and anointed. All your promises are yes and amen, and I shall be a witness of goodness, greatness and holiness, in Jesus' Name, Amen.