Today's Inspiration: The Lord placed you in the wilderness just to test you to humble you and to know what is in your heart whether you would keep His commandments or not. Deuteronomy 8:2. Man shall not live by bread alone but man lives by everything that proceeds from the mouth of God. V3. Your provision is from Him. The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number who are on the face of the earth but rather a remnant to perform His will. Deuteronomy 6:7.
The fall of man is caused by lack of faith taking grace of God for granted not believing in the commands of the triune God. Faith is given or created when we experience God in a certain form of healing. I have seen His healing as a regularity.
We tend to take on doctor's word as final. I once suffered a death sentence from the doctor but refused to accept his diagnosis but to trust the Lord for healing. I then recalled a word that I used to hear that the body can heal by itself. Taking these into consideration and a prophetic word that I be healed, I appropriate these promises. Faith arises and I declare that my faith will heal me and took on God's peace to heal my afflictions without ceasing but believing in expectation that Jesus will grant me a miracle. In no time I was totally healed of the afflictions much to the amazement of the doctor. Indeed my life is a miracle. Your faith heals you. Matthew 9:22. Mark 9:23 Jesus says all things are possible to those who believe. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord God, I shall not say the word if you can, please heal me but I shall declare by faith that whatever healing I desire and perceive, so be it. In Jesus’ name and it shall be granted to me. Your words surpasses all human understanding. Amen.