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Trinity Community Centre

4 December 2021 Word by Senior Pastor, Ps Darien Choo

Today’s Inspiration: Life’s greatest passion comes from knowing your calling. No one knows their calling unless they know their creator God who has created them for His purpose, just the potter to the clay. Isaiah 64:8.

The enemy will always want to attack your purpose, identity and destiny in God’s calling. I never knew my greatest pain in my life was my greatest purpose, just as Christ greatest fulfilment was at the Cross. Remember what the enemy is attacking is an asset to God. A thief will not go to a house without treasure or value. Everyday God is revealing to us our greatest potential so that we can serve Him with zeal in our spirit.

Devotion, reflection, and discipline in the Word of God amplifies your calling and anointing in spiritual growth. “A person’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?” Proverbs 20:24 NIV. So the more we seek God, pray and study His Word, the more we discover our calling and His design for our lives. We no longer live for ourselves but for the love of God and others. We have to break the yoke of unanswered calling due to our past hurt, brokenness and pain. New dreams and visions shall once again be revived and alive in your life. The key of opening up the calling in your life and family members is encouragement. Never be afraid of failure, disappointments and rejections. God is always greater than our hearts. 1 John 3:20.

Prayer: O Lord My God, reveal your calling, purpose and design for my life that I may walk in your ways and abide in your Word. Mould me and use me to bring healing, restoration, and reconciliation for my family and others as well, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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