Today’s Inspiration: “But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.” Malachi 4:2 NKJV. The fear of the Lord is humility and it is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God and His blessed commandments. Proverbs 22:4. God is searching for men and women of Valour at such a time as this like Gideon to arise and build the altar of God in prayer, worship and sacrifice.

We discern many are facing the Midianites which carries the spirit of oppression at this end of times. Judges 6:2. They come to steal, kill and destroy the livestock, the wheat and even the crops that we are sowing for next season. They strike with the fear of lack, the past and worst in the minds of the people but God is going use simple and smallest people like Gideon to build the Altar of Lord of Peace. Judges 6:24. This caused the Altar of Baal to crumble and fall, the Asheroth poles cut down, bringing his family, his community and tribes of Israel together back to worship God and with the 300 destroyed and drove away the Midianites and Amalakites from their land, people, and resources. Glory to God! So let’s not be busy threshing wheat in a wine press with gloom and doom but make a sacrifice of prayer to build the Altar of God.
Prayer: O Lord my God, let my ears hear and let my eyes see and hide the commandments of the Lord in my heart and obey them. Hide me under the shadow of your wings in healing and to seek your face of your glory in righteousness. Lead me like Gideon, to build the Prayer Altar of Peace, in Jesus' Name, Amen.