Today's Inspiration: Isaiah 8:18 We and our children are for signs and wonders from the Lord of hosts who dwell in Zion. Yet, why is the church weak today to perform signs and wonders? Why was Satan allowed to steal God's glory in our life? The only power Satan has over us is the power we allow him to have. Sin, disobedience, procrastination, rebellion, unbelief and thoughts of negativity allow the devil to get into our thoughts and mind to plant a stronghold. Pride and arrogance are the deadly sins that the Lord hates and invite the enemy into our soul to threaten and destroy us.

No problem is too big for God to topple as long as the right words are spoken from your heart. Healing is the responsibility of God. Jeremiah 30:17. Traumatic wounds that are unaddressed will surely cause the devil to torment you and thrash your efforts to stay free. Whatever we ask from the Lord must return to us with a quickening spirit that our prayers are answered. The quickening spirit is the visualization that God has done great things for us ahead of time without us even realising it. Our inner man needs to be renewed day by day. This includes the non physical part of our being - our soul, our spirit, our heart and understanding. God strengthens us with power through His spirit in your inner being. Ephesians 3:16.
Therefore whatever we ask in prayer, we must confidently believe that God has answered them before our prayer can be effective. James 1:6-7. Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. When desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown brings death. James 1:14-15. Blessed is the one who endures temptation for when he is approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised those who loved Him. James 1:13. God be praised.
Prayer: LORD, make me complete in every good work to do Your will, working in me what is pleasing in Your sight through Jesus Christ my Lord to whom be glory forever and ever. In Jesus name, Amen.