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29 Sept 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: The Lord reigns, He is robed in majesty, and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established. It cannot be moved. Psalm 99:1. The God of redemption is the God of creation and His hand is seen at work in both areas. God never gather old leaves that have fallen from the trees, to wash them and press them so that they look fresh and clean. God never put old leaves back into the trees. His springtime is the demonstration of a new creation in the world of nature and in every area of living things.

As the life flows again within the heart of the tree, so the evidence of new life appears in the new buds and new leaves. The tree becomes a demonstration of new life and God is glorified in His creation.

Likewise, when you are born again, through believing in the shed blood of Jesus Christ at Cavalry cross you receive a new quality of life. The old sinful diseased life has passed away and you are made a new creation. We now have eternal life and this life is in His Son. Being a new creation, you have a new quality of life - nothing less than the indwelling Christ. 1 John 5:11-12. God now put at our disposal spiritual vitamins that far exceed those derived from medical research. They are not toxic but bring health and life. These vitamins are victory, Indwelling Holy Spirit, Thanksgiving, ability, mercy and inheritance - all these lead to new creation whilst living in the same body. All that are within are made new. 2 Corinthians 4:10. The life of Jesus is made new in our mortal flesh. The life is made manifest not by us meaning the trees do not grow leaves. The rising sap which is new life of a tree makes itself evident through the display of new leaves. A tree that is dead has no springtime. We need to be a new creation to take on Jesus life in us. We are made new in all things. Revelation 21:5.

God is making all things new here and now through the wonders of a new creation in His time. So let us take these spiritual vitamins to mature to warriors of God and living testimonies to the value of a faith that can cope with every storm of life without giving up - everything, every place and every day. Our mission is not only to convert but to prepare to feed these spiritual vitamins to spiritual babies that they can mature in their faith. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord we thank You for we are a new creation and now possess spiritual vitamins that equip us to be mighty warriors with you to fight victoriously the last battle with You against our common enemy that we might reside with You forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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