Today's Inspiration: May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in You. Psalm 25:21. Our hurts and our wounds of the past have often become our strongholds preventing us from experiencing Deliverance and complete healing especially if these are allowed to reside in our spirit and our soul over long periods of time. Satan tend to make use of these wounds to torment us from moving forward. No matter how you fight or desire to bury your thoughts, they stubbornly refuse to leave you. For such cases, physical healing cannot fully be realised until a person confronts their inner wounds. Once the internal issues have been appropriately dealt with, you will notice that the physical healing process often begins. Hence emotional healing takes priority over physical healing.

Most people stubbornly believe in physical healing thinking their problems are physical or even demonic when in fact what they really need is inner healing. Inner healing seems to be a taboo word for them and their stubborn pride caused them to be in denial. Gently explain to them the process of inner healing, the testimonies arising out of them and how Jesus desires to see them being set free. Galatians 5:1. John 8:36. With Jesus sacrificial love, they are no more under a curse. Galatians 3:13.
Do not get too locked up in the formula, always follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. God loves us unconditionally no matter our choices. But to experience God's freedom and healing and wholeness, a lifestyle change is needed to enjoy His blessings and abundant life. John 10:10. When you examine this verse, it warns us against the nature of the enemy and unless we resist his schemes we will not be able to enjoy the abundant blessings God has prepared for us. Apostle James tells us to submit all our trials to God and resist the voice of the enemy, in order to receive healing. James 4:7. In all circumstances, you must not allow the old self-destructive voice to deter you from moving forward to accelerate to a higher calling.
Inner healing is also required for those who have medical ailments which medicine alone cannot heal. Only God's Revelation can uproot the roots of the problem. Even after inner healing, specific Bible verses must be given to be the anchor they stand on while believing their healing to completely manifest. The Holy spirit will give you relevant scriptures to anchor on to see complete healing. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord guard my life and rescue me, let me not be put to shame for I take refuge in You. May I always anchor on your word with my faith trusting You always in all circumstances that require redemption. In Jesus’ name, Amen.