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29 December 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: To learn God's values is to walk the talk with God. Working out our salvation, living it everyday and walking through the joys and sufferings with Christ, praying and believing His promises for victories should be our daily chores. Philippians 2:12-13. God has given us the Holy Spirit to sustain us with strength and to give wise counsel to us. Philippians 4:13.

God is constantly drawing you to transform your life's values, removing the ideas of fallen man and changing your nature to the nature of what God values. God wants you to replace the old inherited lifestyle values of fallen nature stored in the mind with the way He does desire and live a life of faith with Christ. There is no way to work out this value unless we walk in obedience to His laws. Life's crisis can only be solved Christ's ways.

Therefore, let us always turn our eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith that we may live a life of abundance and submission to the authority of God. It is Christ's desire to release us from the torment and bondage of the poison of captivity to Satan. Our soul and Spirit have already been released to God's glorious blessing of God's purpose and for our life's journey and the Kingdom. He always has compassion for us and throws our iniquities into the sea of forgetfulness and tread our iniquities under His feet. Micah 7:19. If we fully trust Jesus, we have crossed over from death to life. John 5:25. God be praised.

Prayer: As I walk in the light as You light my way O Lord, I am thoroughly cleansed and is continually cleansed from all sins and able to walk in Your Divine favor, claiming all Your promises for me. I will forever praise You. In Jesus name, Amen.

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