Today's Inspiration: How sweet are Your words to my taste sweeter than honey to my mouth. Through Your word I gain understanding. Psalm 119:103-4. You are my hiding place. I have inclined my hearts to perform your statutes.

The common problem today like any other day is lack of faith and trust in Jesus. Faith is a gift of loving our gracious God who not only enables us to discern His voice of authority but who enables us to discern His voice to do what we could respond to Him. John 6:37, 44 & 65.
The strength of our desire to respond to Jesus' invitation depends on how much we place out trust in Him. We must not only hear the voice of God but also respond to His voice through action no matter what the obstacles maybe nor the challenges we face each day for Jesus is more than able to overcome any obstacle. Our faith enables us to give the spiritual desire to act on what we have discerned the invitation to be. God be praised.
Prayer: O Lord I will never forget Your precepts for by them You have given me life. My soul knows so well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.