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Josephine Lim

28 July 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: David modeled never to touch God's anointed. 1 Samuel 26:23. Because David never killed Saul recognizing he is God's anointed servant, the Holy Spirit came upon King Saul to bless David and he declared that David will do great things and will surely triumph. V25. One cannot imagine that the enemy who persecute you should bless you. Our ways are never God's ways. His ways are higher than our ways. Isaiah 55:8. It is Jesus' principle too to bless our enemies. This word of declaration came to pass and David before long began to do great things for the Lord with much wisdom. When you are connected to the spirit, nothing can harm you.

Blessing those who persecute you is something that is beyond man's comprehension yet it is Jesus' directive to do so. Mathew 5:10 Jesus declared that we should bless those who persecute us for righteousness for ours is the kingdom of heaven. V9 Blessed are the peace makers for they will be called sons of God. What an honor to be one who makes peace. It's peace that will pull us out of the net. V8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God. When we place all these principles into our heart, we will see good days. It's always good to think well of others.

John the Baptist prayed that he might decrease so that Jesus could increase in his life. Jesus could do wonders because he always humble before the mighty hand of God and listened closely to the instructions of His Father. When light comes, darkness will have to flee.

So walk in the light as we are children of the light. Those who are in the light, darkness will not be able to withstand. Faith and expectation is therefore linked. What you expect from the Lord you received. What you fear also will come to you like Job's declaration in Job 3:25. So both God and the devil desire our attention. To whom you obey you will be possessed.

Now that we are in Christ, our life no longer belongs to us . It belongs to the Lord who purchased us by His blood. We therefore have to yield totally to the spirit of the living God. We need to live a life of full surrender and of denying self to live out the truth that God's love will outflow through us to touch other people's lives and not to hate them despite the offenses. Such is the lifestyle that Jesus wants us to live.

Prayer: Lord make me an instrument of praise always that whatever circumstances I am in, I will forever be filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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