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28 April 2023 Word by Senior Pastor, Pastor Darien Choo

Today’s Inspiration: “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” 1 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬ ‭NIV.‬‬ These were deep words from Apostle Paul to a young uprising leader Timothy of the Church. Today the challenge in the body of Christ is lacking of sound doctrine of Christ sacrifice, sanctification, and selflessness to serve God. John 17:17. Most people want blessings but few repent of their sins. All desire to be given a prophetic word but few study the Word of God. Many who are sick looks for healing but few desires the healer.

The only way to bear good fruit is through repentance. It is the only key to heaven. Matthew 3:8. Godliness is the goal of the gospel and Christlikeness brings value to all things. 1 Timothy 4:8. Remember we are not created for the world, we are created for the Kingdom of God. How we live is important. We are preparing for the life that is to come through Christ, our eternal glory. How is it like to live in it? Revelation 21:27. There were no negative emotions, thoughts and especially words. Holiness is Christ as the foundation of our doctrine. 1 Corinthians 3:11. Is there any attitudes in our lives we need to change? How can it be changed with God’s Word?

Prayer: O Lord my God, let my focus not be on this world but on the kingdom of God, which is living according to your Word daily. Lead me with your Holy Spirit. Forgive me of wrong attitudes, behaviours and words. Sanctify my lips, consecrate my heart and renew my mind with your Word so that I can live in Christ, my living hope, saviour, healer, and King in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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