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26 March 2022 Word by Snr Pastor, Ps Darien Choo

Trinity Community Centre

Today’s Inspiration: “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us— so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you.” Psalm 67:1-3‬. ‭The priestly blessing of Aaron brings forth so much peace and favour in the presence of God. It’s not about the doing but the being that pleases God. We have been so busy doing things rather than being with God, dwelling in His presence seeking His face.

We need to seek the God of silence who hides and is revealed when we seek Him with all our hearts. Psalm 83:1. How? We need to quieten our hearts silencing all noises and still our emotions to sought God. The world, the flesh and the devil has created so much noises that we can’t hear the still small voice of God. 1 Kings 19:12. Jesus taught us to close the door, not just to the world but also ourselves in the flesh. Matt 6:6. A Christian is no longer a believer if he doesn’t seek and pursue God’s presence, sought his face and do His will by obeying His Word. Just a Word from God can bring supernatural breakthroughs and unfold miracles far beyond our imagination and requests. The world seeks information but we desire revelation from God.

Prayer: O Lord my God, I am in the world but not of the world. I silence all the noises of my flesh, the world and voices from the enemy. Here I am to seek ye first the kingdom of God and your righteousness to hear your still small voice. Give me your Word lord and fill me with your Spirit once again for a supernatural season of encounters, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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