Today’s Inspiration: “They will spend their days in prosperity, and their descendants will inherit the land. The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.” Psalms 25:13-15 NIV. Sanctification is being set apart for the Lord, His Word, Commandments and Statutes. Troubles in life happen when we do things apart from God, depending on our own desires, intelligence, capabilities and will. This was the fall of man, when Adam chose to take life into his own hands and disobeyed God because of Satan’s temptation, deception and lies. Genesis 3:7.

You will be surprised how much the devil knows the Bible when He wanted to do on Jesus in the desert in Matthew 4, what He did to Adam in the garden of Eden. We all know Jesus has all the power that the devil said He could, yet the Lord was not tempted because His will, words and ways are fully directed, set apart for God and filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 22:42. A True Normal Christian life is a crucified life at the Cross of Calvary. A resurrected life is a regenerated life wholly filled with Spirit of God for His bidding. Jesus came to this earth to serve and not to be served, to be a ransom for many setting us free from our sinful nature, and healing our infirmities. Matthew 20:28. Jesus demonstrated and led a victorious life because he followed the will of His Father in heaven, which pleases Him. This is Wisdom.
Prayer: O Lord my God, forgive me if I had allowed anger and pride to do things my way, being ensnared and causing hurt to others. Let my eyes always to be on your Word, change my heart and may my spirit be yielded to your Holy Spirit in humility, obedience and teachability. Crucify my fleshly emotions at the Cross and renew my mind with your grace that I may be more like you, humble and gentle, always ready for the Father’s will. Let not my will but thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus' Name, Amen.