Today's Inspiration: As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead. James 2:26. A person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone. V24. When your problems are beyond solution, we need the mountain moving faith -the faith of God. This faith is a gift of God given by His grace like salvation but this grace is dependent upon our relationship with Jesus and our abiding in His word. John 15:7. This grace is one of Divine enablement that comes with Divine authority and Dunamis power.
There is therefore a connection between grace, gift and faith. Romans 12:3, 6. We have different gifts according to the grace given. Therefore, we should use our gifts according to the grace given to us.

I am not talking about saving grace but the faith in fulfilling the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. I hear very often from people that they cannot hear God and therefore do not know His will for their life. The problem is not the inability to hear for God speaks to us daily in the Bible. The problem lies with the ability to recognise that what we are hearing is from God. Hence it is important for us to read the word of God not as logos but rhema. Logos is the message or thought whereas rhema refers to that which is spoken or uttered. Hearing the word of God must allow us access to the specific will of God in a specific situation causing great faith for answered prayer for miraculous healing or provision.
For instance, I have financial breakthrough when faith arises to receive His word in Proverbs 3:5-6 to trust the Lord our God without leaning on my own understanding and to acknowledge His ways to guide me. With this Revelation I responded by faith and within three months breakthrough came. For my healing miracle in 2017 my breakthrough came when I encountered God in a miraculous way at the release of a word in my heart on Psalm 94:9 and to take on the faith of Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:28 when I pleaded with Him not to allow me to bear beyond what I could bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13. By the following day, my scan showed a clean bill of health. To God be the glory.
Hence the important truth is the ability to recognise that it's His voice you are hearing and to understand His ways that attracts a breakthrough in your life. God be praised.
Prayer: Abba Father I truly need a breakthrough in my life instantly. Help me to recognise your voice that I know your ways to receive a breakthrough. I long to see Your glory like Moses. Hide me at the cleft of Your Rock. In Jesus’ name, Amen.