Today's Inspiration: You may be worried unnecessarily over your sustenance but remember life is not about what you will eat or drink but about building your spiritual life to please God. Jesus asks us not to worry as we are more valuable than the birds of the air who have no cares in the world but trusts God for provision. Matthew 6:25-26.
When you ask, you will receive. When you seek you will find. When you knock it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7.

If we desire to give good gifts to our children, don't you think our heavenly Father will give us greater things more than we could ask or think. All He wants from us is to trust Him, believe in Him and asks with the right motive. When you ask anything from Him, ask in faith without doubting for he who doubts when asking is a double mind unstable in all His ways. When you ask in doubt, you will not receive anything from the Lord. James 1:6-8.
Do not be weary of trials. They are ways of God testing your faith. Testing is meant to produce patience, which brings about a perfect work. A man who walks in the commands of the Lord will lack nothing. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord light my lamp and keep it burning night and day that it will enlighten my darkness. No problem is too big Lord you cannot solve it. I will wait till you do a perfect work on me that I may lack nothing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.