Today's Inspiration: What an honor we have! God empowers us to speak to the mountain of problems that hinder our progress. He promised us that when we speak to the mountain of problems to be removed and be cast into the sea and do not doubt in our heart but believes that what we say will be done for us, we will have whatever we speak. Hence whatever things you ask of our Father if you believe you will receive them. Such is the power of our words. Mark 11:23-24. Human nature is such that they tend to doubt this authority given to us and so they become frail and weak and the answers to their prayers are delayed.

Jesus speaks to Lazarus to come out of the grave and he was resurrected to life. Moses speaks to the Israelites that the host of armies of Egyptians they will see no more if they stand still and see the power of God manifested and it was so. The Lord will fight for them and they shall hold their peace. Exodus 14:13-14. Jesus speaks to the fig tree that it shall not bear fruit anymore and it withered the next day. What a privilege to see that whatever we speak will be the answers to our prayers. It all depends on how deep your relationship with God is and how abiding is the relationship. Therefore, be watchful of what you speak.
When you lack confidence, what you fear or dread will come to you. Job 3:25. The Lord is a man of war. The Lord is His name. Exodus 15:3. No battle is too difficult for the Lord. In the midst of fighting a fearful battle, King Hezekiah rose from his host of problems and speak to the army of Israel to be strong and courageous and not to be afraid or dismayed before the King of Assyria nor before the multitude who were with him for there are more with them than the enemy's forces. With the King of Assyria is an arm of flesh but with King Hezekiah and the Israeli army is the Lord our God who help them to fight their battles. 2 Chronicles 32:7-8. When you are weak and about to fall, or you seem to fight a losing battle, speak to your spirit not to fear for the Lord will fight the battle for you.
Therefore, today God wants us not to moan over the host of problems we are facing that seems invincible, but to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Speak to the mountain of problems that they are no match for the Lord for our Lord is a strong tower that cannot be toppled and the righteous run to it and be safe. The mountain of problems you see you will see no more and will crumble at the feet of our Lord and you will be redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ from the hands of the enemy. Blessed be the name of our Lord. So speak to your mountain today and witness the Lord's victory over your troubles. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord I speak to the mountain of my problems to be toppled and be cast into the sea and they shall obey. May You prosper the work of my hands and whatever I speak You will honor every word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.