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18 July 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: When times are too tough to handle like in the case of Job in the Bible, we tend to go into suicidal thoughts. Job 3:20-21. We long for death but God desires us to pull through. Even Apostle Paul was inspired the word that His grace is sufficient for him when critical illness pricked him like a thorn in the flesh. Most of us are like this when the emotional suffering is too much to bear. If Job had given up hope, which God says our hope in Him will not be disappointed as in Romans 5:5, Job would have missed the double blessings of wealth, health and a blessed family more beautiful than before the trial. There is indeed a time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1.

I have experienced the same plight and was clueless how to proceed until I hear the lyrics that ‘the reason I live is to worship Him’. This made me reflect on my life against His word, that enlightened my soul. I am sure many of you have experienced this plight in one way or the other where the journey seems to come to an end with no roads to turn. The day of salvation is only the beginning of an experience with Him.

Christ maybe living in you but there are still destructive thought patterns that need to be removed. The wound though you thought it's forgotten will fester at some point or the other. These need to be nursed before life can go on to reach abundance that Jesus taught. John 10:10. The enemy is always prowling to devour us and we need to be extra careful not to dwell in those wounds or they will fester and break further hearts. 1 Peter 4:12 is a reminder to us to rejoice amidst sufferings so that we can glory eventually. This we have seen in the lives of biblical heroes and even in our lives. Sufferings is meant to teach us to walk in His ways and not to pursue things that gratify our own desires. We need to entrust out souls to the faithful Creator. V19. The word 'entrust' means to commit like Jesus did. Luke 23:46 and what a glorious Resurrection he experienced.

Like the loaves and the fishes that were broken and shared with the masses in order to feed the hungry souls, we too must be willing to be broken and poured out for the purposes of God. Sharing our failures and brokenness is the only way to inspire others to trust God. So we should not be ashamed to share our story with others that God can make everything new for them as well as if not more than what God has done for us. Do you have a story to share? God be praised.

Prayer: O Lord grant me the very timely truths to share with others so that they too could experience Your goodness. Thanks for the everlasting life You have chosen for me. Amen.

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