Today's Inspiration: The fact that God keeps stressing the words that 'Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts' showed the importance of His word which is either a promise to you or a warning to exercise His convicting power. Hebrews 3:15. Every word that proceeds from His mouth will surely profit us but do not allow the enemy to distort it to your ruin. His word that comes to you must be mixed with faith. Hebrews 4:2. You can never enter into His promise with unbelief or with a double-minded mind. A faithless person is a sinful person.
His word is meant to penetrate our mind to pierce through our hearts to convict, to change and reverse the way we think and feel. God knows the thoughts, intentions and motives of our heart and we are helpless without Him. Has He spoken and will not fulfill?

Man certainly cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God which is refined seven times. In order for our conscience to be cleansed, we need to exercise faith in declaring and speaking to each other in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs according to His word that our ingrained habits be changed to one of righteousness.
How important it is to have His peace guard our mind and our heart which are linked closely together! Philippians 4:7. As the heart thinks so be it. Proverbs 23:7. This means that what your heart thinks, the mind thinks and the body responds. If you want health, your mind and heart should think of joy that grants strength and vitality to your body. Whatever you desire, you must yield to it to receive an answer. God looks at the desires of your heart and fulfills it. Psalm 20:4. How powerful is Words spoken from the mouth of God, therefore speak only God's word. He will honor every word that is spoken from your mouth. God gives us a mouth as a powerful weapon which is a Sceptre of righteousness. Therefore use it wisely. Let not idle words come out of your mouth lest you be judged accordingly. Matthew 12:37.
With your mouth, you can destroy the enemy of your soul. You can stop the storms of your life with your mouth. With it, you can resist the enemy or surrender to his deceit. Eve fell for the devil's crafty ways and was defeated. May you win victory with God's word in Nehemiah 2:20 spoken out from your mouth like Nehemiah did in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem so that success will follow you all the days of your life and you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6. God be praised.