Today's Inspiration: The path of righteousness is like a morning sign shining brighter till the full light of the day. Proverbs 4:18. The Lord will give whatever is good and your land will yield its increase. He shall make His footsteps your pathway. Psalm 85:12-13.
When light shines your way, you are cleansed for the Blood of Jesus cannot cleanse you when you are in darkness. So walk in the light like the dawn of the morning shining through the whole day.

Faith is boldly waiting for the direction God wants to lead us especially when we are clueless as to the direction we should be going. There is no safer place than to obey the will of God like Abraham whose life is directed by His will even before he knows Him personally. He merely answers the call faithfully and was termed as father of Nations. We need the faith of Abraham. Hebrews 11:8. It is dangerous trying to live without God's favor. He will always grants us the ability to perform what He commissions us to do. When Jesus commissioned His disciples, He empowered them with the anointing of the Holy Spirit to preach His kingdom and to be His witness and what a harvest He had on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2:38-41. God be praised. He is always in the business of multiplication.
Prayer: Lord to whom should we follow except You for You who has descended has also ascended far above all the heavens and fill us with good things. May we do Your bidding according to Your pleasure. In Jesus’ name, Amen.