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13 July 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Josephine Lim

Today's Inspiration: Jesus counseled us not to let our heart be troubled with fear as He has given us His peace to quench every fear out of us. John 14:27. Therefore whenever you discover a torment in your thought, immediately switch your thoughts to Jesus in prayer. You must always lay hold of your thought and discover where it originates from. Learn to resist and rebuke every thought that comes from the enemy so that he can flee from you.

Godly character is one of the highest weapons of spiritual warfare. God wants a supernatural character from us so that we can move supernaturally against the evil forces. Allow the Holy spirit to shake out character traits and habits and bring them into alignment with the Kingdom so that our spiritual victory is assured.

When Satan encounters righteousness, Satan's face is being smashed. To stay free of Satan's snares, we must overcome evil by doing good in Romans 12:21 and figure out things that are godly and uplifting. Philippians 4:8-9. Especially we need to be humble servants of God and of others and live obedient lives. We are never to run from the enemy but to use our two deadly weapons the word of God and prayer led by the Holy Spirit to confront the enemy.

The Body of Christ guided by the Holy Spirit can be one of the greatest defenses against demonic activity. 1 John 1:7. So walk in the light in fellowship with one another. Make room for your miracle. God be praised.

Prayer: I thank God that Jesus has won the victory for us against spiritual forces therefore we can proclaim with confidence that victory is ours to claim in every battle against the spiritual forces in dark places with a full armor of the Light. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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