Today’s Inspiration: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” II Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV. Nowadays we seldom hear sermons which disciplines, corrects or rebukes because our flesh doesn’t like them but our Spirit needs them. In fact it is our valley moments in life which we encounter the most lessons, dependency and intimacy with God. If we only like sermons which tickles our itching ears, there will not be spiritual change, regeneration and transformation. 2 Timothy 4:3. Spiritual maturity requires spiritual discipline, conviction, and correction.
What the Church is missing today is Discipleship. Why? Many would say one who attends church, does Bible study and even serves the Lord in ministry is a decent Christian. But our Lord Jesus didn’t called the apostles to make Christians but Disciples of all Nations. Matthew 28:19. Discipleship is not a just New Testament theology or new idea, it is an age old foundation for family which includes spiritual parenting, mentoring and counsel. Isaiah 58:12. Discipleship produces spiritual accountability, maturity, counsel, impartation, discipline and servanthood in humility, just as Elisha to Elijah, Joshua to Moses, or Timothy to Paul. Who do your account for your spiritual growth, correction and discipline? Discipleship is the relational destiny which God has planned for our greater purpose, just as Peter who dropped his nets to follow Jesus. But first we have to allow Jesus to come onboard our vessel. Revelation 3:20.
Prayer: O Lord my God, just as you called the fishermen to become fishers of men when they met you, lead me into discipleship and your relational destiny. Let my heart be humble, obedient and teachable to be discipled, mentored and be sent out for your calling to do your will and commission, in Jesus' Name, Amen.