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Love Never Fails

Writer's picture: Ps. Darien ChooPs. Darien Choo

“No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.” I John‬ ‭4:12-13‬ ‭‬‬


Love is the full Image of God, who is Christ Jesus. Love is the full manifestation of Holy Spirit! Genesis 1:26-27 Many pray and meditate on breakthroughs but few on the Image of God, who is Love. The world is broken because of a fragmented image within our soul, causing coldness, hatred and bitterness. When there is a broken image of self, there is fear, anxieties, low esteem, insecurities, lack of identity and confidence. Wrong image of self also causes pride, anger, insensitivity and selfishness. However, when we see the right image in our Spirit, we attract the right response, resources and results in the world. We are created in God’s Image which is revealed in Christ. Praise God!

The Word of God speaks to us daily that there is no law above Love and nothing can stand against Love. 1 Corinthians 13:8 Love can never be defeated and always brings hope, victory, unity and fruitfulness. Praise God! Our father in Heaven desires to speak to us daily so let’s not keep him waiting in Love. All promises of God are poured out unto us today because of His Love. Love is the greater things of God. John 14:12 Receive His Love today into your Heart. Be open in Spirit. The more we read His Word, the more we feel His Love for us. This world is awaiting for the Love of God, the Image of God.


Dear Abba Father God, let us see your image in our prayers, desiring the fullness of God in Christ Jesus. Heal us of the fragmented image caused by the devil and restore us into our original image which is you, Holy, Perfect and Loving, who endures forever and ever, in Jesus Name we pray. Amen!

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