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9 Sept 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

Today's Inspiration: Jesus said: I am the Light of the world. He that follows me and loves me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life. John 8:12. When light is on, darkness disappears. Light symbolises His wisdom. His wisdom lies in His word. When He speaks 'Let there be light!' The world came into being and it's no longer in darkness. Mighty man of God speaks powerful words of faith and no task is impossible to accomplish.

They daily seek the Lord for wisdom through meditation of His word. His words are lessons of life for us to bring along to transform mourning to dancing, tears to joy and defeat to victory.

Jesus is the wisdom of human spirit problems. It answers every cry of human hearts. Jesus only need to give crumbs of His words and expect us to believe so that we can make His promises a reality. Job 23:12 Job feeds on God's words more than necessary food. When he asked for justice he was not delivered but when his eyes were opened, he received Deliverance. Job 23:12, 42:5. Repentance is the way to victory and one would only repent when God removed the scales from our eyes. Jeremiah said that he fed on His word and it was to him the joy and rejoicing of his heart Jeremiah 15:16. Indeed He is the Light of life's problems.

When you are the Saviour's children, you are blessed and refreshed daily as you feast at His table of Mercy. God be praised.

Prayer: O Lord You are the Light of my life and a counselor and answer to all my life's problems. Deliver me speedily from the snares of the enemy and teach me to avoid the explosive mines that I may see Your promises a reality. In Jesus name Amen.

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