Today’s Inspiration: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV. How does the devil come to steal, kill and destroy? By ensnaring us with our past failures, pain, abuses and sufferings. When we keep bringing up the past in arguments, disputes and faults, it gives the enemy the foothold to our emotions and thoughts, stirring anger and division. All these cause us to have low self-esteem, confidence and faith. But how can we forget the past and forgive?

The key is vision and focus. Notice the step of faith to “See” what the Lord is doing and working new things in us. Joseph was abused, ostracised and hated by his brothers. But because of his trial and tribulations, he turned his eyes, his vision and focus on God, who is loving, gracious and forgive sins if we return, confess and repent before Him. Joseph has to be torn off his 7 colours cloak, which is his pride and know a God who provides 7 years in famine for the entire land. Remember God’s New is a process of change in attitude, behaviour and character. Pain wasn’t a reminder of revenge or affliction but a remembrance of God’s grace and purpose to reveal Christ in bringing salvation for Joseph. He chose the heavenward path to forgive than to hate, to provide than to plunder. His brother meant it for evil but God meant it for the good so that He could save many! Genesis 50:20. Salvation is always the divine plan of God. Praise God!
Prayers: O Lord my God, this day I turn my eyes and my heart towards you. Let me know the new things you are working inside of me and direct all of my steps as I walk in your path of forgiveness, love and grace. Forgive my sins and the words of my unclean lips. Consecrate my heart that I may be more like you to forgive those who hurt me. Heal the wounds of my past at the Cross, and deliver me into your perfect will and SEE your NEW grace in every step I take, in Jesus' Name, Amen.