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31 December 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Let us end the year with great hope and new calling that will propel us to the future which God has planned for us. Let this message brings you into a deep abiding peace with God which surpasses all understanding and which will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Let not your imagination run wild. Philippians 4:7.

It's only when you have peace which your mind is renewed to thoughts of victory, not thoughts of defeat. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13.

What is your inner climate produced in your thoughts right now as you engage your mind to reflect the thoughts, the attitudes towards others and the pain you went through, the words you communicate with each other and the thoughts of insecurity ahead of you. All these speak about the condition you are in, spiritually, emotionally and your body's immune response.

Beliefs and thoughts do create your inner state and your emotions. Let not our thoughts be toxified. These are lies of the enemy and is a poison to your natural man. The Lord wants us to resist them so they will flee from us by submitting such thoughts to Him. John 10:10. His desire is to give you abundant life and He expects a renewed mind. So dismantle old foundations and plant new ones, one of prosperity, not of calamity. Jeremiah 1:10 authorised you to do so. All authority in heaven and earth belongs to Jesus and is now handed to you as disciples of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:18, Matthew 10:1. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord, prepare me to be a holy sanctuary unto You, and thanks for alerting me that there is a body-mind communication. I will be careful with my thoughts. What I believe or desire will come to me, so I must exercise every caution with my thoughts. Let no delinquent or careless words leave my tongue to hinder other people's progress and mine. Help me, O Lord of my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

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