Today's Inspiration: Those who contend with you will be no more. Those who war against you is non-existent. Isaiah 41:12. So do not fear. God will strengthen you and uphold you in His righteous right hand v10.
God is doing a new thing in your life. Can't you perceive it? Do not fear or be dismayed. The greatest work of the Holy Spirit in our life is to conform our character to the image of Christ. As God's servant, trials are inevitable. The greater the pain the higher the value. As God's servant you are gifted to hear His voice, sense His presence and manifest miracles. Be alert to the voice of obstruction. He comes like a roaring lion ready to devour. 1 Peter 5:8. This is why you need a pure heart and a clear conscience.
We need to tear down old foundation of guilt and condemnation and put on the new garment of praise and robe of righteousness to walk in the light for you are the temple of the Holy Spirit who light up the whole world around you from the time of creation. Whoever followed Jesus will not walk in darkness.
Old baggage must be left behind. James tells us to lay aside. James 1:21. You need to put on a new label for yourself to glorify God in all your works and to live a life worthy of His calling . For this, you need to surrender your total life to Him. Human nature is such that we are prone to live in the past condemnation. We need to uproot then from our life. Jerermiah 1:10. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord I chose not to live in condemnation nor guilt. Your love and mercies are for those who long for them. You know every heart. So transform me to Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.