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3 March 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Proverbs 28:19. He who works the land will have abundant food.

The ground of our planting must be well prepared to produce a lifetime of harvest. Planting on ground without a foundation may work for a season but will not endure hardship, drought and storms. Shatter old thinking that keeps the roots of your faith from going deeper.

Our life can only be sustained by our faith in prayer and worship. Do you search your heart for bitterness and anger daily? At the end of the day take stock of events taking place daily. Recall what you have said and reacted and what you did for or to another. Repent for each shortcoming. The ground of your heart must be watered as dry ground cannot sustain life.

Watching out our words is important. Matthew 12:34 out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Today search for and remove clutter in your heart: unforgiveness, bitterness and anger. What other blockages are buried in the ground of your heart? Can you release them and allow the heart soil to be cultivated by the Holy spirit?

Your number one goal is to live in eternity with God so every other goal in our lifetime is to line up under this one. Keep eternity in the topsoil of your mind. God be praised.

Prayer: Father I lay aside all filthiness and wickedness and submit them to you. Reveal to me my heart attitudes that need to be refined, and guide me in the way of righteousness that all my goals and àspirations lead me and others to eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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