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28 July 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Obedience to God's commandment brings great blessing. From the beginning, God stressed to Adam the importance of obedience to be assured of immortality. Genesis 2:16. But he chose mortality and falls into temptation to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil resulting in physical death. V17.

Man needs to develop their emotional competency for steadfastness in the faith like Daniel and his three friends in the Bible.

Emotional competency are God's gifts to us as assets to help us gain incredible value in our work and in our life. If we pay emphasis to emotional competency more than our skill at work, we stop fighting within ourselves and make better decisions in life that helps us to gain competitive advantage. My son secured his scholarship not so much of his academic results but because he has better emotional competency over his classmates. Daniel and his three friends had much emotional competency that led them not to waiver from God's truth that qualifies them for highest position and the palace. Daniel 2:48-49. Their excellent spirit in the discipline of the word, as exemplified by their parents, incorporates emotional competency. Therefore accumulate points in emotional competency to excel.

This is what we hope to achieve in our next Father Me (FM) workshop: to impregnate into the hearts of parents to value emotional competency as an asset to be planted to their growing up teens. Look out for our promotion.

God will test us on our emotional competency as we navigate our life's journey. Like Joshua meditate His word daily for an excellent spirit to attain emotional competency that helps you gain competitive advantage over your colleagues. Joshua 1:8. God be praised.

Prayer: God give me the grace of inheriting more of Your emotional competency that I might continuously glorify Your name.

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