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24 December 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: What God has purposed, it will surely come to pass. Isaiah 14:24. When He purposed, who can annul it? Isaiah 14:27. It is the Spirit of God who made you and the breath of the Almighty gives you life. Job 33:4. The Almighty God questioned Job if he will annul His judgement and condemn Him so that he can be justified. Job 40:7.

We tend to complain and murmur when things are not going the way we planned. In fact, no human harbor can satisfy the heart. We need to know what the Lord's goal for us is and start navigating towards it. When navigating with the Lord, we don't need maps. He is the one who will teach us the way to go and how to navigate the uncharted ocean. Before God does something "THROUGH" us, He must do something "IN" us.

This is always God's ways. We must ensure careful evaluation of our worthiness to carry out the task. Thank God we have a Living Lord, His eternal navigational instruments and His indwelling Spirit to guide us through troubled waters to a place of safe harbor.

We cannot afford to be complacent. Life storm may hit us, but thank God He has given us the necessary good navigational principles to bail us out each time the waters are turbulent. Instead of dwelling on the turbulent thoughts, we should reflect on the heavenly perspective of our trials that we don't wrestle within ourselves to bring destruction to our souls.

We should trust the Lord with our whole heart even in these troubled times even when we don't understand the things God has planned for us behind the scene. Sometimes we wonder why an upright and blameless man like Job can be allowed to be stripped of his wealth and health even though he fears God and shun evil. Job 1:8, Job 28:28.

This made clear that our world is the focus of an enduring conflict between God and Satan and our lives are part of the bigger sorry. Job was confident that God will back him out as he uttered the words in Job 1:21 that the Lord have given and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. Only a person matured in the faith can utter such words in times of intense losses. We need to pass our test and like Job when the struggles of pain and sorrow are beyond us, we tend to complain and blamed God for wronging us and have surrounded us with His net. Job 19:6. We tend to justify ourselves when only God can justify us and made us righteous through the Blood of Jesus and saved us from the wrath of the enemy.

Therefore seek the Lord for His heavenly perspective of trial so that you can get out of the trial sooner than expected. God be praised.

Prayer: O Lord, look upon my affliction and my pain and forgive all my sins. Keep my soul and deliver me. Let me not be ashamed for I put my trust in You. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me as I wait upon You. In Jesus name, Amen.

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