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22 July 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Our life is to honour God in all that we do. Though times are hard, don't quit. Had Isaac not believe in God's instructions to stay in the land despite famine and continue to sow, he will not have reaped a hundred-fold. Genesis 26:12. Just imagine! We tend to hoard in times of famine for fear of the future. It's a time of famine that your faith is being tested. Keep sowing in times of famine. Tend to the portion allotted to you and you will eat its fruit and God your Master and Lord will be honored. Proverbs 27:18. God looks at your heart. As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects a man. V19.How would God evaluate your heart this morning? Would He find faith in you?

Our emotions are a system of information and drawing conclusions. They guide us and help us. If a person tries to follow a map and get lost, do not assume a map is bad. It is most likely that he had not acquired the skill of reading the map before leaving for the destination. Likewise, since our emotions lead us to our choices, it is important that we lay hold of our emotions and form a real alliance with our feelings. Forming an alliance with our feelings will help us overcome battling within ourselves. You will be healthier, stronger and more deeply committed to your calling now that you have found your identity through this alliance.

In a crisis reaction, normally we panic and do not care about the long-term planning. We forget about consequences and would do anything to survive. We tend to hit back first to destroy the risk. We become immobilised to hide from the risk or we will run to avoid it. You should avoid this path. In such challenging moments, your strong emotions lead you to unproductive, dangerous and even destructive actions.

In times like this, instead you must reflect who is at the driver's seat. If you are driving alone, you are bound to make mistakes. Only the Holy Spirit can guide you the way out of troubled waters. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord, teach me Your ways and I will walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart that I might fear Your Name. Prepare the way for me. You will indeed restore me and do what is good and our land will yield a harvest once more. Amen.

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