Today's Inspiration: As the mind thinks so be it. Proverbs 23:7. Whatever you determine to have is all registered in your thoughts. Hence in times of crisis don't let your mind run wild but instead let toxicity of the mind leave you. It's at this moment of time you are most vulnerable. So why give in to toxic thoughts that attempts to ruin you?
The mind of a child registers the nature of conversation of the parents daily. What he perceives most are all in the words he hears from formative years that takes more effect. A mind that perceives troubles is one who never heard a good word as he grows up.

The woman with the issue of blood perceives healing if she is able to touch even the garment of Jesus and it was so. Jesus saw her with utmost faith and declared that her faith has brought about healing. Matthew 9:22. How powerful are our thoughts. Therefore, do not allow unclean thoughts to dominate and manipulate you. Our actions are determined by our thoughts. So are our outcome.
Our thoughts are influenced by our flesh. Wherever we have pain, Satan used our pain to torment us with fear. The disciples could not deliver the boy from fits thinking they have no strength to do so. This is a defiance of their faith. Without faith is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6. The disciples allow negative outcome to manipulate them to believing that they need more power when Jesus has already vested His power in them. Matthew 10:1. Jesus rebuked them for their little faith as He has taught them that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains of their problems away if only they believe that whatever they command, they will have whatever they say. Mark 11:23. Whatever they desire when they pray for their desires to be fulfilled and believe, they will have their prayers answered. V24. Our prayers and desires are usually hindered by our fears caused by toxic thoughts of unbelief. Though Satan cannot hear or know or thoughts, he gauges our fears by our words and use them to harass us to our hurt.
If you want to be set free from bondage, you have authority to uproot them. Jeremiah 1:10. The only thing that holds you back is your unbelief or half belief. Half belief is still unbelief. Whatever you fear will come to you. What you dread will happen to you. Job 3:25.
Therefore guard your thoughts and your mind in Christ Jesus. Always wear the full armor of God so that peace will follow you all the days of your life. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord let me abound in everything especially my thoughts so that I will abound in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence and in Your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.