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19 July 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: The knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not with them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away. Matthew 13:11-12. Therefore it is important to hear with the spiritual ears and see beyond what your human eyes can see you achieve success. Success is not a destination but a journey towards uncharted waters where storms will come without warning. What seemed great to you, may not be the plans of God for you.

You have to explore all eventualities before you leap. You can't estimate situation within your natural eyes for the days are evil.

Just be forewarned. In a crisis situation, you tend not to care about long term. You forget about consequences and do anything to survive. We hit back first to destroy the risk. We become immobilised to hide from the risk or we will run to avoid it. By so doing, you are interpreting a situation and creating a conclusion working to keep yourself alive. The problem is that you depend on your compass that you think it's still of use but it's already outdated. You wake up to realise that you are in a new decade where you need the compass that is of eternal use. Yesterday's skills are no more valid. We need new tools. You must be clear to know your calling. Many entrepreneurs have failed because they think the path is good and end up with a pile of debts to clear. They woke up to realise they were not apostolic. An Apostle must be able to look beyond horizon. You must stop battling yourself anymore but have a clear signal from the Lord as to your calling to move with His next flow. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Isaiah 55:6.

In times like this, you are first to transform your adversity to strength before you launch into anything that appears attractive and enthusiastic and end up and get lost. It is necessary now to cultivate the intelligence of your emotions or you will wake up one day with a war that expand to consume you as the world is ever changing and less predictable. Only one thing is certain and we need to prepare for that day- the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God be praised when He accepted us into His chambers.

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