Today's Inspiration: Love has always been in the heart of God. Particular attention is the word in 1 Corinthians 13:5 where we are not to take offenses against negligent word of others who tend to assert their right and always makes record of wrong. This would lead first to mild resentment and then gradually will puff up to bitterness and finally temptation to sin through violent acts. Love surpasses all understanding.
We should discard from our spirit the tendency to judge, a sin that quickly take prominence in our heart if we do not choose to humble ourselves before the Almighty God. Sin of the flesh loves to dwell with us leading us to destruction.
Therefore, take heed of every emotion that arises out of offenses. It's a landmine that we must avoid. Once allowed to explode to our face, it is disastrous.
Tendency to slander, gossip, condemn and judge are the baits of demonic torments and harassment that leads to defilement of the spirit, deceit and enslavement. Do not be deceived by what is sown in formative years. If allowed to linger we reap destruction of self. Galatians 6:7. Satanic entrapments are bound to get at us if we do not resort to change our attitude to that of loving attitude. It's this loving attitude that we are able to redeem our relationship with God and others.
Therefore, refrain from anger and bitterness which are poisonous to our soul. It's a form of wickedness and lawlessness. This is where the cycle of destruction of relationships keep surfacing.
The key to overcome is to get back into the promises of God of not allowing the devil to have a foothold of our life by causing us to respond to temptations of anger. Ephesians 4:26-27. Secondly, we are to manage our anger well. Thirdly know full well that we are more than conquerors and one of the keys to be a conqueror is to be at peace with God and with all men. To love is Divine. To be prone to anger is a partnership principle with Satan to make ourselves toxic. Finally guard our thoughts and our heart. Let them be connected in the spirit. To respond to anger is a divisible spirit that led to unnecessary afflictions. So take on the fullness of measure of His love that all be well with you. Success is assured in love. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord I long to be in Your presence as in Your presence there is liberty. It was for our freedom that Christ has set us free. Therefore, we push away anger from our spirit that we may receive the fullness of the spirit that brings us everlasting life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.