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16 July 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Do not despair but be strong and courageous. The Lord our God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:8. This was the promise to Joshua who with this promise leads to prosperity.

Joshua throughout his exploits for God was assured time and again to be strong and courageous. This therefore is the benchmark of Joshua's success. Joshua needs this assurance because he is now left alone to lead the Israelites to the promised land. When we pray God leads us to victory. When we use our own efforts to win the war, we strive and God just observed our movements. To facilitate our conquest, we need to cooperate with the Holy spirit heeding His direction.

It takes spiritual weapons to win the battle against the deadly enemies. We need to remove idols from our heart like idling our time away with other activities thereby robbing us His time. By spending more time with God we become more discerning of the spirit that grant us confidence in all that we embark on.

The issue with faith is not how much you have but where you place it. It is a big God that enables our faith to move mountains. The impossible is made possible. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord Jesus grant us the boldness and the right choices in life that we might emerge in victory in all aspects of our life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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