Today's Inspiration: There is no greater joy than to complete our journey like Jesus declaring that we have glorified our Father on this Earth and have finished the work He has sent us. John 17:4. Jesus did not do any work His Father has not told him to do. For many of us, we sometimes enter into a calling He did not call us to do. It's important that we listen to all the commandments God has given to us.
Moses was not willing to take on the task of delivering the Israelites after failing his first attempt. Timing of the Lord is therefore very important. Joseph could not enter into his high calling until the completion of his trials. Therefore, timing and the presence of God are essentially important when entering into His calling.
You need to be fully equipped to execute the calling. Moses at his first attempt was not equipped in the ways of the Lord when he tried to deliver the Israelites the first time. Deliverance can be successful if we are a person of prayer. Moses in the second part of his life did not partake of any tasks which God did not call him to. He learnt obedience in seeking the Lord rather than to depend on his own skill. But there was one thing Moses could not do despite his prayerfulness. Fear and insecurity were brewing inside of him that caught him unaware. When the Israelites were not satisfied with what God gave to them, He could not control his angry reactions of formative years that caused him not to lead his people to the Promised land even though he was commissioned to do so. Exodus 3:7-10.
Gifts and calling are irrevocable but one false move can lead to us missing the commission. We cannot take grace for granted. We must be sober and vigilant at all times to be successful in our commission. Only peace and kind words can quench anger.
Therefore, take heed of all that God commanded that all be well with you and you can complete your mission to His glory. What has He called you to do? We need to be sensitive to His voice in fulfilling His commission for us. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord God I do not want to depend on my own strength but to act where You have called me. Though my beginning may be small, Lord You have assured me my latter end would increase abundantly. You would fulfill this Promise. In Jesus’ name, Amen.