Today’s Inspiration: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17. In the end of times and the last of days, there is going to be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Israel and the Nations. This is going to be a great move of God in His signs and wonders. Many souls will be saved for there is going to be great calling of harvesters from the Lord in prayers. Matthew 9:38. We all need the fresh infilling and anointing of the Holy Spirit and that’s coming powerfully. Have the zeal and passion for the Father’s House, just like the disciples which the Lord turns into apostles, messengers of God through miracles, signs and wonders.

God is bringing unity by the power of the Holy Spirit as the old share their dreams, the young share their visions, even children prophesy about the Messiah in the family. In the Mission field today, we are seeing young children from our child at risk centres in India, filled by the God’s Word and Spirit to share gospel with their unsaved parents. Some were persecuted and some parents came and received salvation. God loves the little ones who move by childlike faith. Matthew 19:14. We are encountering children evangelism in the Nations. Their hearts are pure and fearless to share Jesus and His love to others. We adults need such boldness too. There is an urgent prayer for the children around the world to protect them from the lies and vices of the enemy and draw them into the Kingdom with zeal and passion for Christ. Children are a formidable force for Jesus. Let the Spirit of the Lord pour into the young generation in a great revival of Holy Spirit.
Prayer: O Lord our God, let all our sons and daughters, even grandchildren be filled with the hunger and thirst for the Lord. Fill them with your Holy Spirit and Word. Let them be raised as a prophetic generation that witness boldly and powerfully with your gospel. Let a fresh outpouring and anointing come upon all of us, in Jesus' Name, Amen.