Today's Inspiration: Jesus taught that men should always pray and not lose heart. Luke 18:1. You can say many words to convict people's hearts but many will not take heed because we are mere men. They can only be convicted to change by the word of God which bear fruit. You may feel God has forgotten you because for so long you have knocked at His door yet He does not answer.

You need to remember what Jesus said. He has promised not to leave us nor forsake us. Trials are given to us to test our character. So all it takes is persistent prayer to move the heart of God. Luke 18:1. Only a compassionate heart can bring forth the reality of His promises.
Jesus was energised more by the abiding relationship with His Father than the success of his ministry. In abiding relationship, He found strength and purpose to activate His father's plans by pressing on notwithstanding the difficulties He has to face ahead. Philippians 3:13-14. Direction from the Lord surpasses a rashful decision. We must know our spiritual compass to navigate our life to our destiny designed by God.
Never quit but keep praising the Lord is the right compass to navigate the uncharted waters in a perishing precarious world of uncertainties. There is power in worship. Hence, it is important to rid ourselves of fear and insecurity to attain the standard God requires. We must always live to God's standard to signify a change that influences others to follow.
Prayer: Lord I understand your two-way abiding relationship principle that bears fruit beyond words. Therefore, help us to attain a standard way above human standard that I might please you. In Jesus’ name amen.