Today's Inspiration: In times of crisis, we tend to question our faith. Yet God's word said without faith it's impossible to please Him. Hebrews 11:6. The disciples were indeed devastated as they had become sheep without a shepherd. Yet Jesus has prepared them for this day. Persevering faith is the key to open doors. Mary Magdalene did not give up. She persevered and waited until Jesus appeared in the Resurrection to fulfill the scriptures. She remembered every word that Jesus taught the disciples and waited anxiously to see Him being raised on the third day. Her efforts were not in vain and became the first witness to His Resurrection.
This is the faith that Jesus taught which was recorded by Apostle Paul in Romans 10:17. Faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of God. Hearing in this context includes meditating and reflecting besides reading.

The greatest privilege ever given to mankind is the mystery behind the power of the Blood of Christ. Before we can approach the throne of God with our appeal we need to be sanctified by His blood suffered outside the gates in Hebrews 13:12. Sanctification by His blood is to set us apart to be holy and godly for the works of the kingdom. Acceptance of scriptures accomplished two very powerful truths. Firstly our faith grows and secondly we recognise the object of faith. It's the Blood of Jesus Christ that turns the foundation of our faith for it accomplishes the whole scope of our salvation.
Our faith should not be based on the wisdom of men but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:5. We need faith in God and faith in what His blood can accomplish. Is faith in His blood scriptural? Look at Romans 3:25. In fact Romans 3:5 set forth a mighty foundation for the truth of righteousness by faith in the Blood of Christ. Favor from God is not attained merely by prayer and fasting or mere works, neither is it a prize to be won but a gift to be accepted with gratitude. Hence men are not made righteous before God by their moral goodness nor his good works but merely by His kindness and Grace. Romans 10:9-10.
When we are justified by God as righteous as a believer, we can confront the enemy by reminding him of his future if he reminds us of our past and to refute every of his accusation he may have against us that may cause us guilt. Each of Divine attributes of Jesus certainly is important but more important is the death of Jesus Christ, His burial, and His Resurrection which is of primary importance to apostle Paul. The evidence is in His appearance to the disciples and James and others and last of all to Him who is abnormally born for he does not deserve to be called Apostle as he had persecuted the church till he was confronted by our Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:3-10. God be praised for through his salvation we have two thirds of the New testaments.
Prayer: Thank You Lord for Your great salvation by Your grace. May we be instruments of this grace as well to those souls who are perishing. In Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.