Today's Inspiration: God has made my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadow of His wings He has hidden me and made me a polished shaft. In His quiver He has hidden me. Isaiah 49:2. Indeed, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God so that we do not waver in our faith. As he lived by the word of God he speaks the word of God that will edify, exhort and comfort the listeners to nourish their soul.

We were formed in our mother's womb for a calling. May we fulfill it well so that we will be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and the apple of His eyes. The Lord has redeemed us. Who can reverse it? The Lord will surely be the horn of your salvation and your strength. Therefore, leave sorrowing and find comfort in the Lord your God. Every word of the Lord is tested and enduring. Let joy and peace follow you all the days of your life.
Every promise of the Lord for you will not return to Him void without accomplishing what was promised to you. Isaiah 55:11. Do not doubt what the Lord can accomplish in you and through you. You may not see what the Lord is doing but He certainly is working a way out for you.
Do you know that the Lord knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb? Before you were born you have been sanctified by the truth and have been ordained for a calling. Jeremiah 1:5. We were ordained to have the image of His Son and possess His Divine attributes through the testing of our faith to be transformed from glory to glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18. Whatever is commanded of you, you shall speak fearlessly but confidently. We are to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant. Jeremiah 1:10. Such is the authority ordained for us. Therefore pull down every obstacle in your life that is not planted by the Lord and avoid deception and temptation of the enemy who is all out to toxify your thoughts to destruction. Instead, allow God's word to be so impregnated in your hearts to detoxify your thoughts to make its way to success, peace and prosperity. Testing will last for a time and a season but its outcome is awesome and is everlasting. The abundance will be turned to you and you shall have no lack from now and forevermore.
This is the season of miraculous provision. What is impossible for man is now made possible by God Himself who deserves to be praised. May your mouth and the mouth of your descendants speak forth the words God put in your mouth to bear fruit. Such is the goodness of the Lord our God. Follow His commandments well and you shall prosper in all the things that you put your hands to. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord I will walk faithfully in Your ways and allow the Lord to be my everlasting light to shine my ways in a way that even when I walked into a tunnel God's light will lead me out to a broad place filled with milk and honey to inherit the wealth of the Gentiles in Jesus’ name, Amen.