We all remember King David as the great monarch and the sweet psalmist of Israel. We experience feelings of wonder and amazement when we hear stories – passed down through the ages; of King David’s courage when faced with the menacing giant Goliath, and of his legendary might and renown in battle against Israel’s cruellest enemies; who had threatened to wipe God’s chosen people off the very face of this earth. However, his story did not begin there. In fact, it began long before he was even recognisable as the heroic character we know and love. The greatest king Israel had ever known was once a lowly shepherd boy, despised even by his own siblings. However, God’s ways are higher than our ways, and God knew that living a lowly shepherd life out in the wilderness was exactly where a young King David needed to be – the place where he would meet and come to know his God.
The Judean wilderness was fraught with challenges. All alone, David was at the mercy of the elements. The harsh weather, fierce winds and violent storms were all volatile dangers, not to mention the ever-looming threat of ferocious predators that would seize every opportunity to kill a young boy and his sheep. However, this dangerous and unpredictable landscape served as God’s training camp for David. He learnt to brave the elements, wrestle both the raging bear and fearsome lion with his bare hands, and use a slingshot with deadly precision. In the face of adversity, David learnt to place his trust in his God in order to protect his flock of sheep. God, in His divine wisdom and foresight, was skilfully and tenderly preparing David for the great exploits he would accomplish later on. Clearly, David would never have become the giant-slayer, the man of valour, the resourceful leader out in the wilderness whilst on the run from Saul’s legions, and above all – the shepherd king of Israel we know and love – who tended to God’s beloved people with reverence and godly fear, without first going through God’s training camp in his youth.
Similarly, our youths must meet their God. Only a personal encounter with Him can transform an individual’s life and prepare him or her for great exploits. This is why TCC’s Youths and Young Adults ministry is passionate about mentoring youth in the truth of God’s word. We believe that an amazing destiny and purpose awaits each young life. Like David, their Christian faith must be founded upon the solid bedrock of God’s truth. Like David, their character must be forged in God’s purposes. Despite life being fraught with challenges, a faith and character that is moulded by God will outlast the harshest weather, the fiercest winds, and the most violent of storms. Even when the toughest and strongest grow weary and faint, our youths will mount up with wings as eagles and soar, when they place their hope and confidence in God: Isaiah 40:29-31. This is our vision. We want to see each and every precious soul enter God’s training camp, and like David, accomplish great exploits for God’s kingdom and gospel as god-fearing leaders of tomorrow. Onward, and upward for His Highest!