Today’s Inspiration: Forgiveness brings God’s blessing into one’s life. Psalm 32:1-2. It carries no deceit but open hearts to God’s truths, peace and restoration in our souls with a deeper relationship with God. 5782 is the year of salvation and restoration for dwellings. Isaiah 58:12. Many shall confess their transgressions to God and His grace shall remove all sins and guilt with faith in Christ. Praise Him!
Forgiveness raises one’s Shield of Faith in Christ which quenches all fiery darts from the enemy’s accusations and lies. Ephesians 6:16 It’s breaks the chains of bitterness and resentment in our lives. Forgiveness frustrates the devil and breaks his cyclical torment and momentum of the past emotional pains, voices and festering wounds. John 8:36.

It’s God’s kairos time to break free from the past into the promises of God. Intercession of Compassion reminds God of His promises like Moses and David, for God forgave, redeemed and blessed His children and Nation of Israel. Psalm 106:23
Prayer: O Lord Our God, strengthen me with your Word in my Spirit. Surround me as a shield as I put my trust and faith in you. Psalm 56:3 Let there be no deceit but forgiveness and grace in my Spirit, for greater are you Lord in me, than all things in the world. Give me faith and courage to forgive and ask for forgiveness that I shall see the workings of your Salvation, in Jesus Name, Amen!