Today’s Inspiration: Love, agreement and unity are the hedges of protection for the family, church and the Nation. God’s kingdom is established by His covenant of law and grace. Are we sharing more about the gospel today or of the news of the world? The news of the world causes fear but the gospel brings faith. “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7.
Jesus’s last prayer for the disciples is to be sanctified. John 17:17. We must be careful of what we see and hear daily, especially the online news, fb, Instagram, social media or YouTube. Rather we should spend more time with God and His Word, praying and winning souls for Jesus.
Our generation has never been so overwhelmed with information that our predecessors. Therefore our senses must be sanctified and protected by God’s Word with holiness, righteousness and discernment or they can be easily corrupted by the world. In fact many occult and false prophets have used social media to corrupt the Church in causing divisions, anxieties and fear. Remember this, “But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.” 1 Corinthians14:3. The challenge for Church today is being entangled with the world, rather than being empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring healing, restoration, and reconciliation to the sick, the lost, and the broken. We are destined for the Great Commission.
Prayer: O Lord My God, sanctify my ears and sight from the world that I could seek your face and hear your voice. Let thy perfect love cast out any fear, anxiety, and stress within me. I ask for your grace, wisdom and discernment to read your Word and share the gospel with thy power, love, faith and hope in Jesus’ Name, Amen.