Today's Inspiration: The wisdom of God is from above- pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy. James 3:17. God looks at sincerity of heart. What you sow you reap. When you reject others, you will be rejected in double portion. Rejection is the root of self-seeking, bitterness and envy and is demonic and earthly. V14-16. Therefore, never sow rejection.

With the completion of Passover, a season of overflowing cup of blessings and Divine favor, we now enter into a new season of springtime, a season of Divine favor and new door of opportunities with miracles following you beyond measure. Everything is made new. God is restoring altars. What is deemed gloomy comes alive. Today is 8th April. 8 speaks about new beginning and today is the first sabbath after completion of Passover season.
Can you feel the freshness and fragrance of the garden? It's a blooming season. Miracles are coming forth for you. Last month we hear testimonies of miraculous provision. This month is a season of fruitfulness. So keep on soaking in the word of His promise and believe in your heart that good news is nigh even in the midst of trials. Whatever is deemed lost will be recovered. My prayer is that all of you will have a flourishing season this month of April through to May also a season of flourishing shrubs.
Let's give thanks to God for His faithfulness. If you are going through trials, just be still and you will hear the still small voice that will inspire you to rise beyond your circumstances like He did for Elijah. Psalm 46:10. Be still and see His glory.
It's also a season of curbing pride. God is pulling down strongholds of pride and restores it with fortress of servant hood which is a better foundation to receive great things from God.
Trust Him with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5. May God open your eyes to see that open door that leads you to victory in Christ season. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord, thanks for Your promise of a season of fruitfulness. May I see its fulfillment with all our gates filled with pleasant fruits. In Jesus’ name, Amen.