Today’s Inspiration: There is nothing concealed that will never be disclosed. What you said in the dark will be revealed at some time or other and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner heart will be proclaimed from the roofs. Luke 12:2-3. Therefore, no matter how you hide your secrets they will one day be exposed. It’s good to be transparent and open to each other. In life, I have seen good friends suddenly turn away without allowing the purportedly offending party to clarify their exact interpretation. This too is meaningless under the sun in life and cannot be avoided. Jesus says we cannot come to the Lord without resolving our unforgiveness. Matthew 6:15. The problem of become one is that we do not lead a lifestyle of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a gift and Grace of God that facilitate forgiveness. All families who wish to build healthy relationships with family members must have the grace and gift of forgiveness, without which there will be continuous battle at home.

Oneness is not the end but the condition to get there. Jesus requires oneness as seen in His prayer before crucifixion in John 17:21-23. The end of life is fulfillment of life, purpose and destiny. Oneness is walking hand in hand agreeing with His word and with each other. Amos 3:3. Destiny is where we will end up. Eruption of fights shows we have not walked closely enough with Jesus. So is unforgiveness which Jesus stresses should be practised 70x7 times. If we walk in the light we have walked closely enough with Jesus for He Himself is the light that facilitates fellowship where the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7. Forgiveness is outward confessing aloud to one another that restores unity. Hassling with each other shows our Devotion to Christ is inadequate. The antidote for hassling is confession and forgiveness.
Thinking deep and talking about offences lead us to unclean thoughts of affixing the blame and erecting defences. If we still have the ego not to forgive, our wounds are buried in our thoughts that led to eternal resentment, bitterness and vengeance. What is worth in God's sight is to build up your inner self the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. Devotion to Jesus in silent contemplation is the best antidote 1 Peter 3:4. Pursue godly wisdom which is pure and peaceable, considerate, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17. We need God to guard our lips as it is written no man can tame the tongue. It's restless evil full of deadly poison James 3:8. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord, guard the door of my lips that I might not sin against You. Let my tongue not corrupt my whole person or it will set the whole course of my life on fire and is itself set on fire by hell as it is written in Mark 11:23 whatever I say will happen. In Jesus' name, Amen.