Today's Inspiration: Above all things put on love which is the bond of perfection. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts to which you were also called in one body and be thankful. Colossians 3:14-15. Love bind all things together. In Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:3.
Why did Jesus prayed a prayer of sanctification for His disciples? This is in view that all mankind are struggling to be righteous and sanctification is for a lifetime and not a one time work of salvation unlike righteousness which follows redemption and cleansing. Sanctification is to purify and made holy to be set apart for God to use as a vessel of honor to bring Him glory. Sanctification is a life long process and we won't be completely holy or perfect until Christ returns to redeem all things. Philippians 3:12. Sanctification is not automatically attained at salvation. We need to press on to make it our own just as Christ has made us His own. Its the roadway to maturity to conform to His image. Romans 12:2. Hence, we need to use our emotions effectively to facilitate peak performance.
Sanctification is by His word, the words of truth. John 17:17. Jesus has to be sanctified himself first that we be sanctified by the truth. He prayed not only for His disciples but also those who would believe in Him that they also maybe one just as His father and Him are one. John 17:20-23. It is a call to oneness in the Body of Christ. God be praised that there maybe no slander nor gossip among those who are in Christ Jesus.
Prayer: Lord, let me not speak on my own authority but whatever I hear from You, I will speak to those who are perishing that they too may be clothed with salvation to be free from the captivity of the enemy. In Jesus name, Amen.