Today's Inspiration: God is the creator of all inventors and innovators. He even created the destroyer to create havoc. Isaiah 54:16. You shall not fear of the terrors that may hit you at any time for God has promised He will protect, and preserve you and your security is sealed by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, no weapon formed against you shall prosper and you are authorised to refute every accusation as vindication comes from Him. V17. The battle belongs to the Lord. So be prepared to confront the enemy and not try to hide or flee. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call on Him when He is near. Isaiah 55:6. Draw near to Him that your soul may live. V3.
God's promises for you today is to be faithful to the Lord your God for He has removed terror from you. They will not come near you as His eyes watched over you to and fro to ensure you do not stumble. What a faithful God we serve!

When it is God's timing, the evil one will freeze and bow. Like the days of Egypt, He sent plagues not one but ten of them so that the Israelites will be released from freedom to worship Him. After freedom, He provided for them generously silver and gold through the Egyptians as the latter were anxious the Israelites leave the land because dread of Israel has fallen upon them. Psalm 105:27-38. This fulfills God's covenant to Abraham in He 15:12-16 and Moses instructions to Israelites in Exodus 12:31-36 and God's instructions to Moses in Exodus 3:21-22. He is a covenant God of love and He expects us to have the same faithfulness so that all may go well with us. He provided protection through the cloud and lighten up the night in the desert wherever they lodged. He provided food and water to strengthen them on their journey. When God called you out on a mission He provides.
With freedom comes His provision with an assignment. What has He assigned to you today that caused you to tremble for fear of not being able to accomplish the task? Do not forget He is the architect and builder but he requires you as partner to accomplish the task and to obey His command. He will ensure your success. So, draw near and wait in silence for the specific words of instruction. God be praised for being chosen.
Prayer: Remember me O Lord when You show favor to Your people. Come to my aid that I too may enjoy the prosperity of Your chosen ones that I may share the joy with others giving praises to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.