Today's Inspiration: The fall of man has been caused by lack of faith, not believing in the commands of the triune God. This act of lack of faith draws them away from the presence of God, causing the whole world of mankind to suffer in agony. Genesis 3:16-19. We thank God for His sacrificial love for us that we are able to repent for our stubborn heart so that He can give us a new heart and a new spirit in Ezekiel 36:26. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6.
It's only when you are able to experience God in ways you cannot imagine that you can have full assurance of faith in drawing near to God with a sincere heart to inquire from Him. Hebrews 10:22. We need to see God's answered prayers to us as regularity rather than occasionally. When God commissions He provides us the power and authority to heal, power to deliver the demonized, the power for miracles and the power of transformation.
Faith needs to be experienced. When faith responds to His word that quickens our spirit, miracles beyond our imagination follows. Moses experienced a lot of miracles in his life and mission because of his nearness to God and recognising His voice as words of knowledge to respond in faith. Hence there is a connection between His word and our response to result in miracles. It's only when Naaman responds to the word of knowledge released by Elisha to wash his body in River Jordan seven times and that of his servants that he received his healing experience from leprosy. 2 Kings 5:10, 13-14. There is therefore a connection between gift of faith, words of knowledge and healing. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord show me your ways as they are higher than my ways. With You, is the path to life and I choose to follow Your ways. Therefore, grant your servant the ability to recognise Your voice the way to go that I might experience what You have stored up for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.