Today's Inspiration: Jesus says that a good man out of the treasures of his heart bears good fruit. Matthew 12:35. Likewise Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 17:7-8 that a man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is in the Lord will be blessed. He shall be like a tree that is planted by the waters which spreads out it's roots by the river and will not fear when heat comes but it's leaf will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drought nor will it cease from bearing fruit. On this Christmas morning, allow the Lord to search your heart and test your mind. He will reward you according to His evaluation.

However, cursed is the man who trusts in man and who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord. Jeremiah 17:5. He will be like a bush in a wasteland and will not see prosperity. So reflect who you trust this morning.
When you look around the trees, you will find that the blessed ones are those with thick green leaves and branches covered in luscious fruit and abundant growth even in dry season.
The word curse comes from the Hebrew word 'arar'. What Jeremiah is implying is that the Ar'ar tree may look very healthy and green as if it is productive in hard times. But despite the prosperous appearance, the tree did not bear good fruit. When you open up the fruit, it is hollow inside. Again and again the Bible uses the image of fruit to show how God evaluates us. Luke 3:9, Luke 13:9.
Interestingly the Ar'ar fruit is that it has no juice. The tree is supposed to absorb life giving water from the soil and pass it onto others through it's fruit but it does not achieve it's goal. Like the bush in the desert, we may rely on our own strength to survive. Though we look good on the outside, with much leaves and branches, we don't bear good, heavy plump fruit without the living water of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Without having our roots deep in the River of life, even the best looking fruit will be empty and hollow.
Hence, it is important that we draw living water daily from the Holy Spirit committing our lives to the Lord to ensure prosperity and peace wherever we go. We must look good not only on the outside, but also be good on the inside. This is the fruit God hoped to see in us that we will forever bring Him all the glory. May you bear good fruit this Christmas season by continuously meditating and reflecting your life on the word that will be pleasing to God's sight. Always think good of others. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord, I need you every moment to refresh my soul that my whole being be nourished for Your glory! Let me hunger and thirst for Your righteousness each morning. In Jesus name, Amen.