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25 August 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: God's righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and His law is truth. Psalm 119:142. Our life needs to be governed by the truth of His word that it might be perfected by His love. Only His perfect love can cast out fear. 1 John 4:18.

When we are faced with a dilemma, we cannot help but justify our actions. Adam's sin was severe because he was given the commandment not to eat the fruit from the tree of life and to aggravate matters blame God for the gift of a wife Eve whom he held with very high regard only hours before. He is implying that if Eve was not given, he would not have sinned against God. Eve on the other hand blamed God for allowing the serpent to enter the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:12-13.

We tend to forget the precious things God has given us during time of testing. God always encouraged us to be strong and courageous. If we are weak, we must always fall back on this word so that we will not be ensnared. We need to appreciate that every testing is in His plan which He shall transform it to His better plan like the life of Joseph who suffered much Injustice. Nothing happens by chance.

We need to grow into His purpose. In times like this, we need to ask ourselves where we are going. We should not panic or impatience would pursue us and defeat our clarity of mind causing it to be anxiety ridden. When anxiety reigns above us, peace departs and our hope dwindles leaving us with further devastation in self-pity. King Solomon assures us that we should not be overly righteous nor overly wise nether be overly wicked nor foolish. A rash decision does not pay. He who fears God will escape all calamities. Ecclesiastes 7:16-18.

We should thank God for Jesus whose sinless life, death and Resurrection enabled us to receive the quality of life God intended from whom we have His grace of wisdom to solve all the deep mysteries of life. Based on our experiences of life, we should be wise enough to look within ourselves and see the deadly sin in our hearts and God's righteousness to deliver us.

So let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill it's lusts. Romans 13:14. Whatever things were written before were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of scripture might have hope. May we have one mind and one mouth to glorify God for the testimonies set before us for He who called us is faithful. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord You have tested our hearts, tried us and found nothing. May our eyes look upwards to You for only You can make my ways upright. In Jesus name. Amen.

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