Today's Inspiration: It's a season of overflowing abundance. It's a time of rejoicing from every side. God is crowning this year with bounty. Psalm 65:11. Make a shoutful joy to God. Sing out the honor of His name and make His praise glorious! Isaiah 66:1-2.
What a promise from God this year! God is good.

When we seek the Lord for everything, we will prosper for God will not forsake His people who follows His ways. It is good to bring the offerings to the Lord this season in honor of the work that He has done so that you will have enough to eat and have plenty left. When the Lord blessed He always blessed with abundance. Therefore, be strong and courageous and never to fear lack. Like king Hezekiah, we need to be humbled so that wrath will not enter our household. Hezekiah humbled the pride of his heart and what an abundance of riches and honor her had! This is the principle of God in turning around his people from lack. It's the humble who will be exalted. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord we do not want to be complacent but worked with all our heart to prosper the Kingdom that the name of Your son be glorified. Protect us from complacency and save us from all wrath. In Jesus’ name, Amen.